$99.00 USD

6 monthly payments

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Ditch prenatal discomfort, fear and stress for the pregnancy and birth of your dreams, and achieve those perfect first moments with your baby.

What you'll get:

  • Blissful Whole Mama Method
  • Access to entire course library
  • Natural remedy handbooks
  • Birth plan template
  • Tools and resource downloads

Course library access will continue for 1 year from date of purchase.

What People Are Saying:

The training from the Blissful Whole Mama Method is priceless! The information truly saved me from compounding unhealthy choices. I enrolled in the program for my third and fourth babies, and my pregnancy, birth and postpartum experiences were remarkable - nothing like my previous two births. You will never regret making the decision to equip yourself with this method. The knowledge in this course is so powerful and I am forever grateful!

Grace P.